Saturday, February 23, 2008

Church - Sunday Morning

This is going to be short. I have my internet connection working again, but I am still sick. This is something that is affecting everyone in this area. I have been told there are 6 different strains of this virus going around, so a person may get one and after recovery get another. I know that I was sick two weeks ago, but after the second day I was feeling better. But I got hit again last Monday afternoon and today is Saturday and I still feel drained, no energy and a severe lung congestion. We had to close the office on Thursday and Friday because of this sickness. No one was here to work.

I want to remind you to listen to on Sunday morning at 12 PM eastern time for our morning church service. I work for a few hours on notes, and study then feel so fatigued that I have to lay back down for a few hours. My sermon last week and this week in taken from the old Irish song, Be Thou My Vision. The line I have taken to title my sermon is, "Thou my great father, I thy true son." I have yet to determine if this is going to be a 2 part or a 3 part series. Any way be sure to listen each Sunday morning to our live church broadcast on Stormfront Radio.

Hopefully I will feel better soon.

Don't forget the Faith & Freedom Conference. This is an invitation to all White Nationalist. You are all welcome!

Some of you may have heard that the Klan has endorsed Barack Obama. Evidently some moron in Tenneesee using the title Grand Turk has made a statement to the effect that it endorsed Obama because anything is better than Hillary Clinton and anything is better than a woman. That is the stupidest statement I have ever heard. Most likely there is no such person and the media fell for the press release like a patsy.

The Klan does not support Barack Obama, nor have we endorsed him. We do not support Hillary Clinton and do not support John McCain. How can we support anyone who is a destroyer of our heritage?

I will probably be back on my blog on Tuesday.


  1. We've missed you Pastor and our prayers are with you. We love your program on Sunday mornings. Feel better soon.

  2. You're not stupid or crazy, you're just EVIL.
    How can so much wickedness be in just one person?!
    I know that you will delete this comment, but i just can't understand why are you going in to a courch if you are capable to hate so many people... God is love, you are hate, so i just can't understand you.
    Are you the devil? I'm serious.
    For someone to use God's name to spread hate, must be pure evil.

  3. What a bunch of washed out has-beens you and your "white power" uneducated white trash friends are. You all have been spouting this garbage for years and you've not made one good news report. It's always arrests, pedophilia, drunken, oh and some great specials on 48hours with Dan Rather. We laugh and look at you all for the freaks and rejects you are. Jesus has nothing to do with your doctrine either.


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