Saturday, January 24, 2009

Get a Gun for Protection from Thugs

Doctors vs Gun Owners

(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.
Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.

Now think about this:

(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that's 80 million)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188.
Statistics courtesy of FBI
So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do!


Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!

Out of concern for the public at large, I withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention!


  1. I've been reading your blog for sometime now. The trouble with you and your organisation is that you are FAR from being a think thank. You present completely irrelevant statistics in a way which you think makes you and your argument sound intelligent. The trouble is, for anyone with half a brain cell you come off sounding badly educated and misinformed. You could apply the same logic that you have used here to justify your countries outdated and irrelevant right to 'bear arms', to prove almost anything. All you have done is provide a cheap laugh at your expense from the majority of the world who went to a good school and learnt how to construct a valid argument that doesn't rely on irrelevant statistics that have been dug up by an apathetic search in google or wikipedia; or worse, quoting some selectively found Bible verse. And that brings me to my next point... you haven't read the bible and you have no right to call yourself a Christian. And if you have read the bible you haven't understood it and you merely back up my previous point on how ill educated you are. You can quote Leviticus all you want, but how is Leviticus and the old testament more important than the words uttered by Christ himself. 'Love thy neighbour', or better yet, that in order to enter heaven one should sell all your belongings and give the money to the poor, for 'it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven'. Your poorly educated, illiterate and use certain parts of the Bible to reinforce your backward beliefs whilst ignoring the most important messages it has to offer. Its no wonder that your country has gone to the dogs and you should thank god that a man as intelligent as Obama has come to dig you out of the hole you are in, regardless of his skin colour. However please don't stop writing your blog. It gives me a good laugh at the stupidity of some americans every morning when i wake up. In fact i quote you sometimes to my friends laugh about it later that day while your probably asleep. I mean, Come ON! how can you possibly argue that because you found some statistic about doctors that that has ANY relevance to the stupid archaic gun laws in the US. Grow up, go back to school (not home school, thats for loosers with no friends) and rethink your life. But just PLEASE keep writing.
    Signed on behalf of a group of students across the pond.

  2. Anon. Why do the liberals want to disarm innocent citizens? What is their agenda after we are disarmed? Communism? The right to keep and bear is so the citizen is protected. By the way if I kill someone in self defense it is not major news but if I kill someone with my gun it is. There is a lot of liberal bias against guns. As far as what you say about Pastor Robb and Christianity. I doubt you have picked up a bible yourself. You know a couple of verses, big deal! Have you ever met or spoke to Pastor Robb? No? But you judge him. Read what the bible says about judging people. You seem to harbor left wing views and I doubt you and your group are even Christian.

  3. First of all does it mean because Christ said that "it is easier to pass through the eye of a needle............" does that mean sell everything you own? No. It means be compassionate to the poor and help them. If you truly read the Gospels the disciples asked Him, "well then who can enter into Heaven?" Jesus said "for man it is impossible but for God everything is possible" Jesus Christ is about forgiveness and showing compassion for people. Why don't you go to a church and learn about the Bible before you blindly quote it.

  4. I love it how all these liberal people say you are insignificant. Yet you must mean something to them because they keep reading your blog and write hateful messages to you. These people are so laughable. They are a joke.

  5. It just goes to show who these people are. They cannot debate the issue so they try to belittle the people who believe in the issue.

  6. When we want a lecture from a bunch of snooty, arrogant European know-it-alls, we'll ask for it. In other words, mind your own business.

  7. (i wrote the top comment). Actually you no nothing about me. I spent most of my childhood as a full time chorister in one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world, a 1000 year old building which truly reflects the glory of god. Since you have likely never left the USA you probably cannot even comprehend the idea of a church in which services are a solemn affair and people do not shout things out and the bishop does not preach racist views. I spent every day of my life in the Cathedrals boarding school were we were not allowed to go home until the very evening of christmas day. I spent at least 5 hours every day there learning the bible and about the compassion of god, in a place whose beauty you cannot comprehend. I then attended one of the most famous and conservative private schools in the world where the headmaster was a priest and we were required to go to chapel every morning and we were taught conservative values. However conservative values do not include racism, segregation and fear. In England 'Liberal' is not a dirty word, in fact we consider it to be a compliment if anything. Which is probably why our country is thousands of years old and god is worshipped in beautiful old buildings, not sheds. And we are taught to respect one another.
    Guns are no good to any one. The USA has the highest gun crime rate of any country in the world because of its armed populace. You are brainwashed to be afraid of communism and blacks and hispanics, when it yourselves that you should be afraid of. And as someone who i conceed probably has read the bible. Would you like to tell me where capitalism is certified by god to be a divine way of conducting a society and communism is declared to be evil? It isn't. Capitalism is good for people who can afford to go to good schools (I doubt you could afford to go to mine LOL), but it isn't a system ordained by God.
    One final thing. You have misinterpreted the camel thing. The man who was told to sell his belongings went away sad because he had many worldly things. Christ commands you to do unto others as you wold have them do unto yourself. I suggest you people stop judging others and try and be good in the eyes of the lord who you have turned your back on.
    'If you can hear the words you've spoken, Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools...' Rudyard Kipling.
    God does not like the way that you have twisted his words.

  8. To poster of Jan 26, 1:45 PM You said you worshipped God in "one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world, a 1000 year old building which truly reflects the glory of god." And this was in Africa, right! Opps, I'm sorry, their little huts of mud and sticks don't last a 1,000 years. They hardly last until the next rainy season.
    I guess it must have been in Europe? That is what you are trying to imply, isn't it? Why are you glorifying European culture. You are a sneak. You pretend to be against the Klan and Robb's racist beliefs then you glorify how great Europe is and their great art. culture and cathedrals.
    You can't fool me. I see through your sneaky attempts to promote racism. You SOB.

  9. First of all Anon. Jan 26. Christianity is not about huge cathedrals and glorious artwork. It is about Jesus Christ the Son of the living God. The bible said the Temple of the Lord is inside your heart and not in buildings. You say you are a follower of God. Yet you do not even capitalize God when you write. We captialize His name as a show of respect. Is this the same England where you are taxed to death on your paycheck? Where you keep maybe 40% of it? Sounds really great. And please if you don't like guns stay out of America. The majority of this country loves them. It is our right.

  10. If what you say is true about the camel parable then we would all be living a third world lifestyle. God blessed the USA because we worshipped Him. He made us the greatest nation in this world. The idea that you can make it on your own without the governments help is truly a Christian ideal. As far as the blacks and hispanics comment. I do not fear them for the color of their skin. I fear them for the crime they commit. I wrote an earier comment about two cities in Michigan. One white, the other black. The black city is riddled with crime. Should I think twice about dealing with people like that? I say yes!

  11. To the 1st poster: You talk about the rich man not getting into heaven, then you brag about how expensive your schooling was. Anyways, I don’t think you understand what the United States is dealing with. 92% of the population of England is white and 2% is black. In the United States, blacks make up 14% of our population and Hispanics make up 15% of our population. It is a fact that there are more Blacks on welfare in America than any other race. 60% of the welfare recipients in this country are Blacks and Hispanics. England doesn't have to deal with 2700 illegal immigrants crossing their borders daily like we do. These people don’t pay taxes here, but they get to take advantage of our government services. I have as much compassion for the starving people of the world, regardless of their skin color, as much as anyone else does. However, it has to stop somewhere. I am sick and tired of people dumping all this “white guilt” on my race, when we are the ones paying for their government services. All we do is give and give and give, without any thanks.

    P.S. I’m pretty sure Jesus is fine with me worshiping him in a shed. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

  12. Are people in England still mad they lost the revelutionary war to us? HAHA

  13. Hey Brit, I dont tell you how to run your country. So don't tell us how to run ours.

  14. Guns are a right of every American. Every American has the right to defend himself. Lets see if these liberals feel the same way if their wife or child is in danger. I bet you would be wanting a gun then.

  15. When we start giving up our rights for so-called safety then where does end? Don't think it will stop with guns. They will try to make it illegal to offend anyone. Under the disguise of racism. Limiting our freedom of speech. Where does it end?

  16. Oh the liberals! They care so much. Supposedly guns kill people so they have to get rid of them for the safety of the public. It will reduce murders they say. But they never tell you about how they murder babies. They care if you take a gun and shoot your child but do not care if you kill it in the womb. Aren't both of these murder? If you do not agree with me go to Jason Robb's blog on and read his blog about abortion. See the picture of the dead fetus. ABORTION IS MURDER!

  17. How does the ADL feel about teaching religion in schools and about God?

  18. Our right to bear arms has no bearing on the gun related deaths in America. The two main reasons for gun related deaths are,
    1. Guns in the hands of criminals.
    A criminal can obtain a gun of any sort out of the back of a truck for pennies compared to retail. and most of those guns can be tied directly to other crimes.

    2. lack of education. Teach your kids when they are young how to safely handle and shoot a firearm. Most kids get shot when some kid goes nosing around a closet or dresser in their parents room and finds the gun and starts to pull the trigger on a loaded gun and shoot themselves or a friend.

    Any attempt to make it harder to obtain a firearm only hurts the honest citizen who wishes to protect themselves from those who would rather live outside of a law biding society. And unless you come from a country with the same rights we have, you have no say in what we do or don't do. England lost their firearms due to a law passed by their Government and they couldn't do jack about it. Atleast we will always have our guns and the Bill of Rights, and people like Pastor Robb who are out there fighting to protect our rights. Thanks Pastor Robb and the Knights.

  19. Well first I would like to say, I am not a believer of Pastor Robb's views, however I am mature enough not to insult the others who comment. Just throwin' that out there...

    -The title of your blog is "Get a Gun for Protection from Thugs"

    However, you rarely mention "Thugs" in the blog itself.

  20. Correction, mention of "thugs" proves to be nonexistent.


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