Wednesday, January 14, 2009

From the American Family Association
Campbell's Labels Help Support Gay Marriage

Many people aren’t aware that when their school participates in Campbell’s “Labels for Education” program they are supporting a company that has openly come out in support of homosexual marriage, and it has no intentions of stopping that support.

“Labels for Education” provides equipment for schools in exchange for proofs of purchase from the family of Campbell’s brands.

Many of the schools that participate don’t know that Campbell’s supports the homosexual publication The Advocate with advertising. The Advocate is a leading promoter of same-sex marriage.

The American Family Association asked Campbell’s to be neutral in the culture war. Campbell’s refused and said it would continue to support The Advocate. The Media Daily News reported that a Campbell spokesman was quoted as saying: “Our plans for the Swanson brand [a division of Campbell’s] include additional placements in The Advocate." To show their commitment to same-sex marriage, Campbell's sought out and featured two "married" lesbians and their son in one of the ads.

Take Action!

Check to see if your school participates in Campbell’s “Labels for Education” program. If so, ask them to stop participating. These labels support a company that openly supports homosexual marriage.
Campbell is blocking AFA e-mails. However, you can send a personally written e-mail directly to Chrm. Donant by clicking here. After sending your e-mail, please call Campbell Soup Company (1-800-257-8443) and its Swanson division (1-800-442-7684) and express your disappointment that Campbell's is supporting same-sex marriage.
Forward this e-mail to your friends and family.


Jacob Masters said...

Thanks for posting, Thom. It blows my mind to see how shamelessly that large businesses support queer marriage.

Anonymous said...

So let's stop helping the company support education for our children just because they support homosexual marraiges. EXCELLENT IDEA! Children are only the future and who needs smart, educated children anyway? Let's just worry about homosexuals and not look at the whole picture, shall we?

Anonymous said...

The campbells soup company isn't actually supporting gay marriage at all. The director of the program is openly gay but it doesnt mean that he's really supporting gay marrige. The only goal for the company is to help out school and donate supplies for education. If you're too iggnorant to look past his homosexuality then don't donate cans.

Anonymous said...

Campbell supports gay marriage???? Actually, no they do not. But the fact that Thomas Robb has a problem with gay marriage is simply an indication of his narrow minded, ignorant Southern Baptist, racist and bigoted views. Robb is just an out of touch, mindless white boy idiot. Don't give his draconian views any credence, and he will simply dry up and blow away the way that the KKK will also simply die under its own stupidity and dysfunction. Nobody with even the slightest of brains supports people like Robb or Rush Limbaugh anymore. They are a dead species of white supremacy---they just have not as yet realized that the white race is no longer the majority. We have overcome.

Anonymous said...

David Brose one day you will stand before Christ in all His glory and you can explain to Him how you love gay marriage and gay rights even though The Word of God is against it. Tell Him how you think the Word of God is narrow minded and bigoted. As for Limbaugh this goes to show YOUR IGNORANCE. Rush Limbaugh is not a racist and has black friends. Why don't you pick up a bible or listen to Rush before you judge people.

OSU Buckguy said...

You are not worth the comment I could leave you. But luckily our history has fought to give you the right to be wrong. Luckily all you are reduced to is a little blog where no one cares about you…

Anonymous said...

If some Christian was tied to a fence in Wyoming and beaten to death just because he was a Christian would there be a national media blitz? Would people from all over embrace Christ because of this? Would a foundation be set up to help Christians? Would the government enact new laws protecting the rights of Christians? Matthew Sheppard is a hero. Jesus Christ, who was also beaten and hung from a cross, is not(to these people). No wonder this country is going down the toilet when we have backward thinking liberals running the show.

Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on Matthew Sheppard. Was Matthew Sheppard's death really a symbol for gay rights? The story was that he was looking for gay sex and he was lured out by two men and killed because he was gay. The killers tell a different story. Sheppard went with the two men thinking they were gay. The two men's real intentions were only to rob Shepard. The two men were drug addicts looking for cash for their habit. This goes to show media bias and how they change a story to their benefit.

Anonymous said...

osu buckguy and david brose.. Let me ask you this: Is Pastor Robb wrong? Tell us how? I am sure he would print your rebuttal. Do Jews own major corporations in this nation? Do blacks commit crimes at an alarming rate? Are there nice black neighborhoods where whites would feel safe? Is homosexuality healthy? Is homosexuality something natural? is it moral? Rather than call him names and call our views draconian or whatever. Why don't you rebutt what we have to say. Because you can't! You know we are right. Please answer these questions if we are wrong.

Anonymous said...

No one cares if you are gay. I don't. But when you force your filthy lifestyle on me I am going to fight back.

Anonymous said...

I have also banned Pepsi. They just donated over a million dollars to gay rights organizations. The company refuses to donate to any organization that does not support gay rights. They are forcing their employees to attend "gender identity/expression training" classes.