Friday, October 9, 2009

Second Place "winner?"

Did you ever get something that you know you didn't deserve. I have. I recall when I was in the 4th of 5th grade our school had a sporting event. This wasn't in competition with other schools but was just for the students in the school I attended. It was outside of Detroit in St. Clair Shores and the name of the school was Wheat Elementary School.

Like all the other students I signed up for several events in which I thought I might do good. Each one of these events was going to award a first place, second place and third place winners. Like the other students I wanted to win.

One of these in which I was going to participate was the running broad jump. It was a pretty spring day, the sun was bright and I was eager to do my best. However, when we got ready to "battle it out" there were only two of us.

Well I did my best, but I came in second place. The other guy won - he got the blue ribbon and I got the second place red ribbon. But in my mind - I didn't look upon it as second place - in my mind I simply lost.

Oh well!

So I went home with a red ribbon from the running broad jump. But instead of being proud for coming in 2nd place (remember there were only two of us) I was embarrassed. I wasn't embarrassed for loosing. I was embarrassed because they gave me a 2nd place red ribbon when I really didn't deserve it. It was certainly nothing I was going to boast about. In fact I didn't even want to tell anyone. Saying I lost - bid deal! that's easy to handle. After all sports was not going to be my life's dream.

I was not about to put my 2nd place red ribbon on display!

Now I bring all this up about winning something you don't deserve in order to ask this question.

Is Barack Obama embarrassed about winning the Nobel Peace Prize?

I would be!


Anonymous said...

"Is Barack Obama embarrassed about winning the Nobel Peace Prize?"

No because the Jews are too busy making him feel like he's God, and so are the Black People and other Misfits (When really he is the worst president we ever had)

Anonymous said...

It's not Obama's fault that he was nominated. I would have waited at 2 years before nominating the Nobel prize. And stop with the Jew baiting and no it's Bush who is the Worst president in US history.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Robb, why do you post the comments from those people who obviously hate you and what you stand for?

Adeimantus said...

A man called Glenn Beck and told him that an inside source at the Vatican let him know that he had been awarded sainthood. Beck says "How did I get it?

"............... so, do you intend on dying? .....yes......weren't you once a Catholic.......yes...okay then you're in! Congratulations!

Beck says "I have thought about doing good things for people."

Adeimantus said...

"Pastor Robb, why do you post the comments from those people who obviously hate you and what you stand for?"

My personal opinion is that it is a good thing that Pastor Robb is unafraid of the opposition. Posting a few of these people's words gives balance to this blog -- in that it makes the debate real and honest.

But I do understand why you asked this question.

Thomas Robb said...

Why do I post their comments? That really shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
Look at their poor grammar, the horrible sentence structure and the silly statements made to defend their arguments . Every time I post one of their comments we look better.

Lutheran said...

"It's not Obama's fault that he was nominated. I would have waited at 2 years before nominating the Nobel prize. And stop with the Jew baiting and no it's Bush who is the Worst president in US history."

George W. fought for the people of this country when 3000 Americans were killed. I am not the biggest fan of Bush but at least he did that. I agree Iraq was a mistake but you political misfits seem to think there is no real threat by Muslims. To them they are just a misguided group of people misled by religious fanatics. Yet the Koran states that they should try to convert people to Islam. If they cannot they should be killed. To the Democrats they have every right to be mad at us. We did something wrong and should apologize our heads off and try to work things out. These people live in the land of Sesame Street and Mister Rogers. Where everyone gets along. If not they should talk things out. Fighting solves nothing to them. Unfortunately this is not how things work in the real world. To quote a Kenny Rogers song, "Sometimes you gotta fight when your a man."
I guarantee you Obama, Kerry, Gore, both Clintons, Emmanuel, ect. would not have done any of what Bush did to defend this nation from terror. Kerry even stated that he wanted to go back to the days when terrorism was a mere nuisance.
These people would have bombed an Al Queda base or something but nothing more. The only reason Obama is fighting the war on terror is because he knows that his publicity would drop tremendously if we were attacked again. This man is far from a candidate for the peace prize. He has done nothing to earn it. His parents should get the prize for making him black. That is the only reason he got it.

Anonymous said...

"His parents should get the prize for making him black. That is the only reason he got it."

What a ignorant racist thing to say!

NCKnight said...

There's nothing ignorant or racist about it. This was the ultimate case of "Affirmative Action"!

Anonymous said...

"Affirmative Action"

Wow! Big words for you huh?

NCKnight said...

"Wow! Big words for you huh?"

I won't even dignify that with a response.