Young Girl Murdered and
Mutilated by Black "Religious" Worshippers
Beeld (South Africa)
Beeld (South Africa)
Blonde teenager Anika Smit, (17) was found murdered at her Pretoria home on March 11, 2010—with her hands and forearms chopped off.
The girl’s limbs are missing—cut off just below the elbows—said South African police constable William Mahlaole. Nothing else was robbed. Body-parts have great value in South Africa: there is a flourishing trade in human body-parts for the lucrative ‘traditional medicine’ (muti) market in South Africa. People often are found mutilated—and usually body parts a
The girl had stayed home from her Gerrit Maritz Afrikaans High School with an ear-infection that day and was feeling unwell, said her father Johan, 54. Her parents are divorced and she lived with her dad.
That morning he had still said goodbye to his only child before going to work and tried to phone her during the day—but received no response. When he returned from work at 4pm at their Theresa Park, Pretoria suburban home he saw overturned chairs in the living room and knew at once ‘something was wrong’, he told journalists of the Afrikaans-language daily Beeld. “I called to her but she did not reply’. Seconds later he discovered her lifeless body in her bedroom.
“She was lying on the floor without clothes on. Both her hands were cut off and missing. There also were six cuts in her neck police told me. The people (her murderers) must have taken the limbs along with them,’ he said. “Police examiners will still have to determine whether she was raped.’
From the crime scene it appeared that she had either fought back or tried to run away, police said. The father had tried phoning her earlier in the day but received no reply—however he believed she probably wasn’t feeling well enough to talk on the phone. He had also arranged for medicine to be delivered to the house—but around noon the pharmacy phoned him with the news that no-one had opened the door.’
“I phoned her around lunch-time but I thought she didn’t reply because she didn’t feel well,’ he said. The flag at her school was hanging at half-mast yesterday.
When you bring aliens into our country, with their alien gods and alien customs will things like this begin to occur in America?
This article highlights some very disturbing behavior that should not be tolerated by anyone, but it does not capture the nature of an average American immigrant—it’s disgusting that you would try to suggest this. You don’t have to be black to do something crazy or evil. Yes, even your beloved white race has offered its share of demented individuals as the seeds of America were sewn with European immigration.
While there sadly are bound to be some bad eggs slipping in, in general, those trying to start new lives in this country are going to play by the rules. Those that don’t will be subject to the punishment of our laws. In fact, there are all sorts of practices that could be considered religious in some way that we don’t allow in America. No baby/virgin sacrifices, no cannibalism, no beheading of an unfaithful wife, etc. Perhaps these violent sorts of behavior are tolerable in other parts of the world, but not here. Killing others for their body parts is not considered “Religious Freedom” as the title of your post would suggest. It’s a shame that South Africa doesn’t possess the power to end these sorts of horrors, but that sort of thing isn’t as easy to get away with over here.
“When you bring aliens into our country, with their alien gods and alien customs will things like this begin to occur in America?”
It is unfair to cast doubts on the morality of potential immigrants, and cowardly to promote fear and rejection of them based solely on the most horrendous aspects of their homeland. Should other races base their opinions of whites solely on the stories they hear of Hitler, Charles Manson, or Stalin? Should all Catholics be regarded as sex offenders based on the expanding issue of pedophilia within the church? Should every American be considered the next potential Bernie Madoff?
We cannot just reject immigrants out of fear. What we must work to ensure is that our law enforcement system remains strong, and continues to weed out these unsavory individuals to protect the public. We need to make sure our education systems are our top priority, so that those beginning their new American lives understand the principles we stand for, as well as how to succeed in our society—but also so that those same terrors witnessed in other parts of the world do not have a chance to breed within the individuals of our own native population. It is not “aliens” that we should fear, but ignorance—and ignorance is EXACTLY what you are promoting with these kinds of messages.
Stop being so damned paranoid, Christianity had been used committed heinous acts as well.
You make a valid argument, and I would like to express deep concern for the 'people' of Africa. The article about Liberia is a sobering reminder that there is still acts of barbaric savagery committed by the inhabitants, against their own 'people' on a daily basis(i.e.cannibalism). My question is, how has a 'people' sunk so far below humanity that they disregard the basic elements of being human? Why are the majority of Africans incapable of co-existing with one another and others?
There should be an experiment where all of Africa is left to the original inhabitants,black man, and see the results of the continent after 10years. I am currently conducting my own research about the history of Africa because I want to see if there are genetic flaws in the African.
You mean Wicca? Most are white women.
"When you bring aliens into our country, with their alien gods and alien customs will things like this begin to occur in America?"
If this was a American parallel it would be American Christians crucfying a Muslim or Buddhist.
Last time I checked the Blacks(Africans) were in Africa first so technically she is the alien and her God is alien to them(the killers).
So will you Christians start hacking away at "alien religions", Like these murderers did this girl?
This is horrible and happens to often without any national exposure.When you hear stories like this you wish you could have been there to stop this. I was just reading this morning about how the police department in that city was corrupt and letting gang rapes of white people arrested for no reason and put in cells with 20 or so black hardened criminals. You know the rest!! South Africa has turned out to be a cesspool!!
Aren't the majority of serial killers white? Why don't you post articles regarding those? Why are you not horrified that the majority of serial killers are white? If that young girl was killed by whites would you still post the article and comment in the same manner about what a horrible murder occured? I don't think you would, Pastor. Do Blacks commit the same terrible crimes, yes. But so do whites.
I posted the above comment as an illustration of irrational thinking. This person is of the opinion that I would protect white killers. As if I would want them in out society.
Of course white people commit crimes, and sometimes horrible crimes. But the fact remains, every major city in America has whole sections that are not safe to travel. All bad neighborhoods are black, Mexicans etc. There is NO such thing as a bad white neighborhood.
No one drives down the freeway afraid of accidentally getting off into a white neighborhood. Even blacks are safer in white communities than they are in their own crime infested neighborhoods.
Ok, call me a bigot!
You have avoided the question Pastor. The question was would you post this article if the young girl was murdered by whites and comment on what a terrible crime occured? Or, do you just post articles saying how bad black people are just to prove what you preach is correct? You are only showing one half of the picture. I agree with you that black neighborhoods are scary and white neighborhoods are not. I am in no way calling you a bigot. I am saying you post only articles that support your cause to make yourself look good. Why do you not post articles about white people who are murdered by white people? Then comment on them about how society is going in the wrong direction and how horrible it is that another murder occured. God doesn't want anyone to be murdered, black or white. You admit whites commit crimes yet you simplify the answer turning it around to say how bad black neighhoods are, etc. So basically you are saying yes, whites commit crimes but look how much worse the black people are so let's concern ourselves with that and overlook that serial killers are white. If the serial killer is white and killed an innocent white person wouldn't that murder occur in a safe, white neighborhood?
Forgive my rambling and please know I am not saying these things to insult you nor get a rise out of you. I am interested in your responce as the opinions of the KKK have always interested me. And if you are wondering, I am a white female. Thank you.
Yes, I have reported on White crime. For example we have talked about the thousands of innocent babies killed by Dr. Tiller the Killer before his career ended.
It is just that non-whites offer so much more material. For example, according to the FBI the number of white women sexually assaulted by blacks every year is about 30,000. The number of black women sexually assaulted by white men every year is under 10.
Go figure!
Thank you Pastor, for answering my questions. I do remember you posting about Dr. Tiller, thank you for reminding me. I do also agree than non whites give us more to print than whites do but when they do it should be posted just as you post what non whites have done. Take for example Natalee Holloway, an innocent white female (supposedly) murdered in Aruba by white males. If those white males were convicted I would hope you would post what a terrible crime it was just as you would if she was murdered by non whites.
I am in no way saying non whites do not do as you say they do, I would just like to keep a level playing field.
Thank you for your time.
I am sorry, but there is no such thing as a level playing field - except on fantacy island.
I have no synpathy for those who take innocent life - regardless of color.
Of the hundreds of thousands of poisonous snakes in the world, only a very tiny percentage has ever killed anyone. But-never-the-less I stay away from all of them.
I know some innocent snakes may be offended, but I am safer for it.
Fear mongering based on taking advantage of peoples ignorance is what this is.
Norwegian Heat is right, this is a petty attempt to cast an opinion of black people as raving mad cannibals in general.
Remember this, white people in South Africa have because of apartheid polices doomed another race to squalour and ignorance, this is true of conolisation across the African continent.
And you want to do this here what you think you would get.Probably I would come and eat your wife mother and children.
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh White Meat tastes good.
The content of this blog is why America is the laughing stock of the world. I am sickened to come across this disgusting display of uninformed, unintelligent banter. I bet you were one of the people who demanded to see Obama's birth certificate. Idiot.
“I am sorry, but there is no such thing as a level playing field - except on fantacy island.”
As humans—with all of our potential for reason, communication, and ability to manipulate our environment—surely we possess the ability to create a level playing field within the structure of the societies we maintain (should we choose to)—it’s simply EASIER to go on exploiting and scape-goating the less-fortunate.
“Of the hundreds of thousands of poisonous snakes in the world, only a very tiny percentage has ever killed anyone. But-never-the-less I stay away from all of them. I know some innocent snakes may be offended, but I am safer for it.”
It seems like you are referring to all blacks or all non-whites as “poisonous snakes”—meaning that even though not all blacks/non-whites (poisonous snakes) kill people, you stay away from all of them for safeties sake. Assuming that you are referring to races, the analogy doesn’t really work. If white people are capable of killing others (and they are), then they too can be related to poisonous snakes in the same way that other races are (by those that choose to make that kind of comparison). If this is the case then, the safest measure you could take would be to refrain from dealing with any people of any color at all—becoming completely cut off from the rest of society.
Bottom line to all races is GOD put us on this earth to live by his word and those who do not shall answer to him.we as man have no right to pass judgement,as good christians we shall abide by his laws and the final judgement shall be by GOD.I am proud of my race(white) and dissapointed in our heritage,since man has not lived by his word is why our country is in such a bad way. This has not been by persons in a particular race or religion,but by our own government actions. The new age is upon us and its too late for us to amend our actions,all we can do is seek the lord thy GOD.
Dear Pastor,
First I must say that my hat is truly off to you. You defend yourself and your beiefs on a daily basis which must be exhausting. I say that with the upmost sincerity. With that said however, I still have some unanswered questions. Forgive me for the length of my questions. I go back to your comment about poisonous snakes. You say you stay away from them all, meaning blacks. But you do admit whites commit horrible crimes. Wouldn't they also be in the catagory of poisonous snakes then? You would have to stay away from everyone. Or is it that you choose to ignore that fact because whites commit less horrible crimes than blacks so that makes it okay? I don't understand your logic. Also, I previously posed a question to you which remains unanswered. Forgive the silliness of these questions but it was a question of what if you were in need an an internal organ and the only one avaialble was that of a black person? Would you accept it? What if you needed a blood transfusion and the only blood available was that of a black person? What if it was your wife, children or grandchildren in need? How would you feel if they had black blood in them? Again, forgive the foolishness of these questions but I am curious of your answer. My last question is why have you not commented on the disgusting white murderer Joran Van der Sloot? He killed 2 innocent white women. I believe you would have if he was black. I know you posted on Dr. Tiller but I believe you did so because he was preforming abortions, something you are against, not because he was just a murderer. If you do not wish to answer on your blog due to the length please feel free to email me at
Thank you for your valuable time.
Your right - your questions are foolish!
WHY are they foolish questions, Tom? If you could clarify some of these issues, perhaps we could begin to better understand and respect your opinions. When you instead choose to insult people and act as if they're inferior to you, you end up coming across as a rather arrogant individual. That might work for you personally, I guess, but I can't see it as conductive of your White Christian Revival. How can you expect to unite your fellow white people against these perceived threats if you can't be bothered to explain the rationale of your cause? Is it an expectation of the White Christian Revival that white people just follow along blindly?
First of all the correct grammar would be "You're" not "Your." Secondly your lack of answering said questions speaks volumes!! Therefore you leave me to make my own assumptions. Your lack of answering is why people think the way they do about you. I know my questions are hypotheical but if you want the world to believe what you preach is "Love, not hate" then why don't you answer them?
Exactly, Anonymous--if the basis of White Christian Revival is truly "a message of love" then why not show consideration for those trying to understand your views? Why alienate us? Would Jesus have mocked or belitted his critics or would he embrace them? I feel his ministry could not have been as successful had he resorted to disrespecting his challengers and making enemies of them. If you goal is to unite white people, then wouldn't a little patience and understanding go a long way toward convincing us that your system of values and beliefs are honorable? Where's the love?
Dear Norwegian:
1) You have no desire to learn and understand - you only want to argue. I don't have time for you.
2) Jesus continually mocked those who wanted to entrap him - read Matt 23.
3) I have no inner need to prove you wrong and certainly do not have time for endless debate.
4) I am sure you mean well.
Thank you Norwegian. Finally someone understands.
Pastor you leave me no choice but to believe the worst about you. Your refusal to answer my quesions leads me to believe you would rather you and your family die than receive black organs or blood. You lead me to believe you tolerate white crime because it's not as rampant as black crime. You say nothing of white on white crime. Your refusal to answer my questions leads me to believe I am correct in my assumptions and you are too afraid to answer them because people will see you for what you really are. I don't even have to say the word. If you believed strongly in what you preach you would have no problem answering. Not hiding behind your common answer of "I'm not going to waste time arguing.". That's a cop out and you know it.
Thank you for your response--I appreciate your time. I do want to learn your perspective Mr. Robb--that's why I ask questions. I may not agree with you, but I do wish to better understand you. True, I like to argue points I am passionate about, but that is the nature of debate. I see no harm in exchanging opinions--perhaps we can learn from each other. I also recognize this as our best means of reaching an understanding, and in turn, the only reasonable means of reaching our respective goals. If my only desire was to argue, without learning anything from it, then I would be acting in contradiction to your fourth point--the one I can most identify with. I don't think I'm doing any good if I'm merely arguing for the sake of chaos. Nothing will come of us driving toward disorder and disunity. Yes, I do mean well, and I believe you do to. We're on the same page, in that respect. I feel that if we can agree on that much, then it shouldn't be that big of a stretch to hope to exchange insight, rather than insult. I understand that you are a busy individual, and you may not have time to address my concerns, or other like-minded guests here. I understand that an inner need to prove me wrong may not exist--I don't have an inner need to prove you wrong either. If your beliefs are anything like mine, then you've probably invested a lot faith in them--we don't rely on the approval of others to know we are right, and there's little or no chance of one of us changing the other. However, when we move away from our inner needs to our outer needs, the circumstances change. You obviously have some sort of agenda or cause in mind as you continue to maintain this blog. There must be some sort of purpose behind your posts, an idea you're trying to spread--a motive behind your message. I can relate to this--I certainly want to be able to share my thoughts with those around me. The thing is--if you really want to make something of your White Christian Revival, and truly address and act on the injustices you perceive--you'll have to open up in some way at some point. We may not have time for endless debate, but do we really have time for endless preaching or endless war, either? No matter what avenue we choose, our ideals will collide at some point--whether you or I are personally around to experience it or not. I feel that choosing responsible, civilized means of propagating our causes now far outweigh the prospects of putting off discussions until they are no longer a possibility. If you truly believe in a non-violent resolution to the threats you speak out against--if you really want to avoid the "race war"--then I can only urge you to reconsider your approach. If you want to unite whites, then take the time to convince us that your theories are sound, that your cause is just, and that your motivation is noble. If support of this kind is cannot be provided, then you are missing the audience you'll need to target if you ever hope to make progress in your revolution. Your ideas can have no impact on the world you are trying to influence if you merely preach to the same old choir.
I realize that this comment is too long, but so long as you read it, it doesn't matter if you post it.
Thanks for the reading suggestion--I may respond to that after I've looked into it.
Dear Norwegian:
My views are quite prominent on our websites. I answer the phone throughout the day. I spend about 20 hours a week preparing a Sunday sermon. I write on my blog as often as possible. I twitter most every day. I write articles two publications each month. I read excessively, just finished A Pictorial History of George Washington, published in 1859. I help direct the organising of 4 national events each year. I travel very often. I volunteer once a year to help raise money for charity among business people in Harrison. I try to spend as much time with my grandchildren as possible. And I have a wonderful wife of 45 years that I enjoy spending time with. I am sorry I don't have time to debate for an audience of one.
If you truly want to learn - then read, listen and learn. I am afraid that until you learn to love your people I can be of no help.
Hello again--I've looked over Matthew 23, as you suggested, but I didn't really find anything related to Jesus' use of mockery in dealing with questions or criticism. In this chapter, as Jesus addresses a crowd, he warns that those in power--the teachers of law--are hypocrites, and do not practice what they preach, and that while they're law must be followed, they're practice should not. This section is interesting in its own right, but did not appear to disclose Jesus' approach to addressing outsider-inquiry or criticism. I did some more digging, however, and I feel I've found the section you were referring to. Did you mean Matthew 22? More specifically, in Matthew 22:15, the Pharisees send their disciples to "trap Jesus in his words" (this seemed quite like what you were referencing with "Jesus continually mocked those who wanted to entrap him"). Was this the story you were alluding to?
Thanks for your time.
Dear Pastor,
You are not answering an audience of one when you answer Norwegian or myself. You are answering to an audience of many! Do you think only I am thinking of the questions I asked you? Many, many people have those same questions. We are trying to understand your beliefs, not criticize them. You are aware that the world views the KKK as cross burning bigots. Prove them wrong, answer my questions. Are you afraid you answers may prove them right? Yes, your views on apparent on the website but these are specific questions.
I have listened to your sermons. I want to learn but cannot because you refuse to answer the questions. I do love my heritage. Why not help us understand each other?
I'm going to assume that was Matthew 22 you had intended me to read, since the language you used was very similar to that found starting at verse 15. I appreciated the reading--it clarified questions I had about Jesus and the methods he used in his ministry, just as you claimed it would. However, I did not find evidence of the mockery you suggested. Rather, it seemed to better support the point that I (and the other recent critic) have been trying to make. The Pharisees send their disciples to ask Jesus if he supports the payment of taxes to Caesar--a ploy to entrap Jesus. True, Jesus first calls them out in their devious intentions and labels them hypocrites, but he doesn't stop there. Jesus goes on to give them an answer that they cannot argue with. Their plot is foiled, and they take their leave. I find this is interesting, because, despite your claims, Jesus did not resort to mockery. He did not merely call them foolish, or the victims of propaganda, or tell them they were incapable of reason. He instead used they're inquiry as a means to establish the validity of his beliefs. When critics question your cause or beliefs, it is this kind of reaction we are looking for from you. We are asking for an intelligent, constructive response--a reason to accept your claims. If you really expect to revive white Christian/nationalism influence on America, then you need to breathe life into those in which these qualities are dead--you do little blowing hot air at your supporters. Jesus could've provided the same responses to his critics that you resort to--he could have justified to himself excuses not to respond or provide support for his claims. He was doing God's will, leading a spiritual revolution, changing the world. Sure, he could have told himself he was too busy, or had higher priorities, or that he had no inner need to prove them wrong--and yet he did more than that. He exposed their deceit, and then answered them anyway. Jesus could have used any number of excuses not to respond to criticism, but these would not have convinced the critics--only himself. To those questioning him, Jesus would have discredited himself had he merely retorted that their questions were foolish. Maybe Jesus could have accepted this. Maybe Jesus would have found comfort in his faith--in the conviction that he was right, and that those who opposed him were wrong, regardless of what they thought of him. That may have been enough for him, but it would not have been enough for his cause or his God. Jesus wanted to help his people, and to do that, he needed to establish that his beliefs and ideals were justified to outsiders of his way of thought. I just think at some point you and your following will have to adapt this sort of mentality if you plan to move forward.
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