Certainly you are aware that if this had been a black national leader murdered by a white it would have been front page news and the headline story across the nation. But a white national leader is murdered and the only thing we "hear" is a silent yawn.
I did not keep close association with Barrett, but did talk to him on the phone occationally. The last time would have been about August of 2009.
More likely it was a random robbery gone bad. But since the man is racist it would overlook by the media. Regardless, the black dude has to brought to justice.
Aint shedding no tears but R.I.P. Hopefully Robb, Duke, and the others are next!
This goes by just like the two white college girls beat with a baseball bat by a black man. Turn things around and it would be all over the news. It's a trend just like in South Africa and I would recommend everyone to arm them selves against the beast of the field. The media let's them run rapid without any coverage and the rest of the people have no knowledge. those two girls was in chicago Obama's stomping grounds.
What people seem to understand about white nationalism is pitifully skewed. And these same ignorant people are scarily (if that's a word) vicious. I'll see you in the fall, Brother Robb.
What people understand about the white nationalist movement is pitifully askewed. These same people are also scarily (if that is a word) vicious. I will see you in the fall Brother Robb
"Aint shedding no tears but R.I.P. Hopefully Robb, Duke, and the others are next!"
Talk about hate! A man gets butchered to death by this thug and you have the gall to come on here and gloat about it? You are SCUM!
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