Throughout the robbery attempt, as the men hit and pistol-whipped him inside a cooler at an east Charlotte Pizza Hut, the driver said he kept his right elbow pinned tightly against his body – holding a Glock 22 under his shirt and out of view.
For rest of story, click here:
But still, guns kill; if not you then someone else.
Yep it was clearly the guns fault! Anon you are a liberal!
Why wasn't Johnny Lee Clary charged with a hate crime for burning down a black church? He admits he did it on his website. Look under his article on Tom Metzger. Call or write to your local FBI office and protest!
And if he hadn't wasted these two scumbags, they would have gunned him down, and maybe some other people too. So what are you blithering about?
Everyone should be carrying ! It's the only way to protect ourselves. The courts sure not doing their job putting scumbags like these behind bars. They deserve everything that they received and more !
@ anon 5:53
That's what guns are for: to kill. Why would you use if they don't?
"@ anon 5:53
That's what guns are for: to kill. Why would you use if they don't?"
Ask that to the person pointing the gun at you or your family!
That's the whole point - if someone is pointing a gun at me and my family - I don't have time to call the police - I hope to have a gun to point back just like that guy at Pissa Hut.
If you are not willing to get a gun to protect your family then shame on you - I guess you can always shoot paper wads at them.
"And if he hadn't wasted these two scumbags, they would have gunned him down, and maybe some other people too. So what are you blithering about?"
Sure... we should simply kill everybody that might "maybe gun some other people down, too." What a perfect interpretation of constitutional legalty.
"Sure... we should simply kill everybody that might "maybe gun some other people down, too." What a perfect interpretation of constitutional legalty."
Typical liberal mentality. Take an argument. Take the points of the argument to the utmost extremes to win the argument. Then try to say the other opponent said something he did not say.
It is a shame people still have the Klan mentality. It is sick.
"'And if he hadn't wasted these two scumbags, they would have gunned him down, and maybe some other people too. So what are you blithering about?'
Sure... we should simply kill everybody that might 'maybe gun some other people down, too.' What a perfect interpretation of constitutional legalty."
Read the original story again, Mr. Pablum-Puker. Nice and slow, so you can fully comprehend it this time. DUH!
"It is a shame people still have the Klan mentality. It is sick."
Got your head stuck in the sand like an ostrich, huh?
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