Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Good For You!

Chuck Wright, the popular sheriff of Spartanburg County, South Carolina is advising citizens to obtain concealed handgun permits and carry a weapon to defend themselves, because "Our form of justice is not making it."

The remarks were made at a press conference following the arrest of a sexual predator who attacked a women while walking her dog on Sunday morning (October 30). The sheriff said that it is too bad someone with a concealed gun wasn't walking by, "That" according to the sheriff would have "fixed the problem."

According to Wright, the attack occurred in Milliken Park which is popular place for families to gather, play and walk their dogs.

The sheriff was visibly shaken by the attack on a “good, upstanding woman" whose clothes were ripped off in the attempted rape.

"This is a horrific crime," Wright said. "Her life was threatened so many times."

Investigators arrested 46-year old Walter Lance (Left) who offered no resistance when arrested. Lance "doesn't fight police or men folk -- he just goes after women," according to the sheriff.

Wright said in his view, gun control is, "When you can get your barrel back on the target quick. That’s gun control."

He encouraged women to walk in groups, and he ended by saying again, "I want you to get a concealed weapons permit. Don't get Mace. Get a firearm."

And then he said, "I think I better stop before I get sanctioned."

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