Did you know that throughout America millions of people have "hate" literature in their home. Not only do they have "hate" literature in their home but these same people often read this "hate" literature to their kids. Even President Bush most likely has this same "hate" literature with him in the White House. In fact I dare say that you have this same piece of "hate" propaganda in a prominent location in your home. The "hate" propaganda I am talking about is The New Testament of the Bible! Betcha didn’t know that! This is the outcome of the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004 signed into law by President Bush on October 16, 2004. This law establishes a special branch, known as the Office of Global Anti-Semitism within the U. S. State Department. The Office of Global Anti-Semitism has the responsibility to monitor global anti-Semitism and make an annual report to Congress. Following the lead of the Jewish anti-Christian group known by its acronym ADL, the State Department in 2005 listed as an example of an "anti-Semitic incident" the case of a Polish priest who quoted from Bible passages which identify the Jewish mob for being responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Reading from or teaching from these portions of the New Testament is now considered hate by our State Department. According to Jewish sources the New Testament is so full of anti-Semitic passages that it is now to be viewed as an anti-Semitic book. Jewish extremists claim that the Gospel of Matthew contains approximately 90 verses which are defamatory to Jews. The Gospel of Mark contains approximately 40 verses which are considered hateful and anti-Semitic. The Gospel of Luke contains approximately 60 verses of defamatory anti-Jewish polemic. The Gospel of John contains approximately 130 verses of defamatory anti-Jewish polemic. The Acts of the Apostles contains approximately 120 verses of defamatory anti-Jewish polemic. Jews are so protective to keep their anti-Christian bias hidden that the following acts or opinions are viewed by the U. S. State Department to be evidence of anti-Semitism. 1. Allege "intentionally or unintentionally" that the state of Israel persecutes Palestinians. 2. Criticize "intentionally or unintentionally" Zionism or Israel if such criticism leads to lowering of the public opinion of Jews or the government, military, or people of Israel. 3. Compare the behavior of Israel's leaders and military (in suppression of Palestinians) to Nazis. 4. Publish cartoons depicting the Israeli government and military as similar to Nazis. 5. Diminish the 6-million figure of Holocaust dead in any amount. 6. Question that gas chambers were the primary means of killing 6 million Jews 7. Allege that Jews exert undue influence in Congress and the White House. 8. Allege that Jews exert undue influence in the media. 9. Claim there exists a "Jewish conspiracy" to dominate society . 10. Allege that American Jews are equally loyal to Israel 11. Deny the people of Israel their "right of self-determination." This means upholding Biblical law that the Jewish people cannot reoccupy Palestine in unrighteousness. This also means denying them occupation through illegal settlements of all the territory promised to Abraham. 12. Reveal hostility (as Christ did) toward Talmudic (pharisaic) Judaism. Check out the offical State Department web site. http://search.state.gov/search?q=cache:SakA0Qw15AsJ:www.state.gov/g/drl/seas/+++global+anti-semitism+review+act+of+2004&access=p&ie=utf8&output=xml_no_dtd&lr=lang_en&client=stategov_frontend&num=10&site=foia%7Cexchanges%7Coig%7Caiep%7Ccspo%7Ccareers%7Ctravel%7Cstategov%7Cbmena%7Cfpc%7Cmepi&proxystylesheet=stategov_frontend&oe=ISO-8859-1 Judeo-Christian ministers who have "bought in" to Jewish propagada now promote the Jewish lie against the Bible. The online encylopedia - wikipedia says, "A number of Christian scholars have concluded that the root of antisemitism in the [Christian]] community is ultimately found within the New Testament." The book, Antisemitism in the New Testament is a vicious anti-Christian attack on the New Testament written by Jewess Lillian Freudmann. According to Freudmann the Ne w Testament is an ugly, hateful book of non-truth, saturated with anti-Semitism, written and compiled by Jew-haters. Jewish extremists warn Christians that they must atone for their "sin" of anti-Semitism. Christians must de-antisemitize the New Testament by eliminating and revising scores of passages. Abe Foxman of the ADL claims that the New Testament is filled with hateful, vengeful lies which were and are spread by the New Testament. He even says that attempts by evangelicals to witness to Jews is a form of anti-Semitism. Here is what he said, "Although it is supposedly motivated by love for the Jews, this idea [that Jews should be converted] is inherently anti-Semitic in that it implicitly denigrates the value of Jewish belief." In its recent report to Congress, the U.S. State Department "Office of Global Anti-Semitism" made a startling policy statement. It says the New Testament record that the Jews had Christ crucified is "classical anti-Semitism" -- a historic form of hate.
1 comment:
2000 years of Christians antisemitism culminated in the holocaust
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