Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hate Crimes Coming

National Prayer Network
By Rev. Ted Pike
13 July 09

In a bold and dramatic gesture, Sen. Patrick Leahy took the floor of the Senate on Monday, July 13, to argue for passage of his hate crimes amendment to S. 1390, "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010."
No vote was taken today, but the office of Sen. Carl Levin, head of the Armed Services Committee, confirmed that the hate bill amendment will be formally proposed and possibly voted on Wednesday.
It's NOW OR NEVER to save free speech for ourselves and our children! We need to back down the Democrats now from even proposing the hate bill amendment on Wednesday. Call toll-free 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-225-3121 (names available at Truthtellers.org on the Action Page).
Tell Senators: "Attorney General Holder says the federal hate bill, S. 909, will not protect members of America's military. Yet Democrats are attaching it as an amendment to the arms bill this Wednesday. This is dishonest. The hate bill has nothing to do with the military." You can add: "Have you watched the video at Truthtellers.org in which Holder says soldiers are not protected under the hate bill?"
Last Thursday on the Focus on the Family radio broadcast, Dr. James Dobson and Family Research Council's Tony Perkins destroyed effective opposition to the hate bill among millions of Christian conservatives. They said there is nothing we can do to defeat the hate bill.
Don't believe these false prophets! With God's help, we can still experience Divine reversal of the Democratic hate bill agenda as He causes confusion in their ranks.
It is imperative NOW that we call to Almighty God for national deliverance and call the Senate repeatedly from now till Wednesday at least.
To paraphrase Edmund Burke, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to follow the advice of Dr. Dobson and FRC and do nothing!"


Dumb-Ocrats said...

Yeah, that's the way the Jews rule this country. There are Three People ruling this Country

1) The Jews
2) The Democrats
3) The Liberals

And these Evil people want to take away our Herritage. I remember when these following things are what America WAS Before Martin the Looser Coon had to open his Mouth. But as i said here is a List

1) There was not that Bad of Economy
2) The Jews didn't rule this country, whoever was the Best man did
3) Black People didn't get what they wanted by Crying race
4) It was a Christian Land

Face it, this isn't America anymore, this is the Land where if you are either Jewish, Democratic, or Black you get whatever you want. While the Good Christian people get stepped on. I'm Catholic and I agree with the Klan's message, although I may not be allowd to join, I'll support however I can

Anonymous said...

The Klan does not hate Catholics. There are many Catholic members. "The Klan hates Catholics" myth is another lie of the media to try and keep white people divided.

Anonymous said...

However the Catholic Church does hate Klansman. You can be excommunicated for joining such a group.

Adeimantus said...

This is very disturbing news.

For the record, I do not hate minorities.

If you wish to meet decent black people, for instance, just visit any one of the better hospitals and nursing homes in this country. Some of the Blacks who work there are good and caring people.

Having stated that truth (that I do not hate minorities), it remains equally true that hate itself is just a human (and animal, for that matter) emotion.

One cannot love if one's power to hate is disabled.

To make an emotion illegal is beyond ridiculous. It is not even possible to accomplish this, unless we are all to become drones.

But, of course, the enemies of the White Race want to destroy our very human nature -- to make us into cattle, not human beings with human feelings.

Proof here:


The great test of human nature -- of any given human being -- is to get Wisdom, as the Bible says. Wisdom means, among other things, knowing how to manage and control your emotions. These are skills that can only be learned and developed.

Outlawing any kind of hate is only going to fuel it all the more.

Normal human beings have Free Will. God gave us that, so that we will choose to love and obey Him.

The doctrine of "determinism" is of the Devil.

Just as love is a free choice, so also is hate. You cannot have one without the other. If you love something, you will automatically hate its opposite -- that is to say, not something that is merely called its opposite, but something that is in fact its opposite: that means only something that destroys what you love. Actual opposites are two things that cannot occupy the precise space and time together, as they tend to cancel out each other. For example, if you pour cold water into a container of hot water (or vice versa), the result will be water that is neither hot nor cold.

Anonymous said...

"The Klan does not hate Catholics. There are many Catholic members. "The Klan hates Catholics" myth is another lie of the media to try and keep white people divided."

It is not a myth. If you knew your Klan history, you would know that the 2nd era was radically anti-Catholic. There were riots in Indiana between the Klan and Catholic factions. And for good reason. The word Catholic means universal and they are the biggest proponents of universalism. In the 1920's the RCC was instrumental in opening the floodgates of non-white immigration. They are doing the same thing today. If a Catholic wants to join the Klan, they should quit the anti-White Catholic church. The two are incompatible.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, but this is not 1920’s any longer. The period of concern about the Catholics was only during a short period of time when it was considered that Catholics would be more loyal to the Pope than the United States.

I agree with you, however, that the Catholic church is horrible in its promotion of illegal immigrants and White Nationalists should quit the Catholic church. But the fact is that almost every church promotes miscegenation. It doesn't matter if its Catholic or Baptist, the Pope or Billy Graham. Almost all so-called Christian churches promote racial reconciliation, mixed marriages, non-white invasion of the U.S. and foreign (non-white) adoptions.

Therefore the Klan does not HATE Catholics any more than it HATES Baptists, Methodist or Lutherans. It is the New Age doctrine of racial reconciliation which has captured these churches and have deceived the people involved in them.

Christians should quit the Catholic Church, however, Christians should also quit the Baptist church, Lutheran church, Methodist church, the Church of Christ, the Assembly of God etc. Christians should quit any church that will not take a public stand against miscegenation.

It isn’t only the Catholic Church that has betrayed us but the vast majority of Protestant churches as well.

That is why I like Pastor Robb, he teaches the message of racial integrity that is the foundation of Scriptures as contained in the Abrahamic Covenant. You should visit his church web site at: www.ChristianRevivalCenter.net.

Anonymous said...

"Therefore the Klan does not HATE Catholics any more than it HATES Baptists, Methodist or Lutherans. It is the New Age doctrine of racial reconciliation which has captured these churches and have deceived the people involved in them."

Hate the sin, but love the sinner? I don't think so. The above aforementioned denominations are no longer Christian, but Baal worship; they preach "another gospel" and "another Jesus." "Shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord" II Chron. 19:2. The Klan should hate what God hates. Does God love Baal worshippers? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Oh the Christian Cultists! It finally comes out. All of mainstream Christianity is wrong and only the backwoods, trailer park dwellers are correct. What a farce. Hey man dont drink the Kool-Aid when instructed.

Anonymous said...

Christians should quit any church that will not take a public stand against miscegenation.

Show me anywhere in the bible where it says you should not marry or procreate with a person of another race. If it is wrong the tell it to Moses because he married an Ethiopian.

Anonymous said...

"Does God love Baal worshippers? I don't think so."

Actually he does. He loves everyone, including people who don't love him. He wants everyone to be with him in Heaven, but sadly, that will not happen. All I can say is he does love them, just not the fact they are doing it.

Anonymous said...

"Show me anywhere in the bible where it says you should not marry or procreate with a person of another race. If it is wrong the tell it to Moses because he married an Ethiopian."

Speaking of the racially diverse Canaanites, who were not the same race as the Israelites, God says this, "Neither shalt thou make marriages with them... for they will turn away thy son from following Me, that they may serve other gods; so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly" (Deut. 7:1-4). Furthermore, if you read the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, the Israelites returning to Jerusalem (from their Babylonian captivity) were told to put away their strange wives (and children); in other words, miscegenation was forbidden. In your ignorance you presume that the Ethiopia of today has remained static, demographically, for the last 3000 years. It has not. Moses' wife Zipporah was not a negroe, but was from the land of Cush (or Ethiopia), which covered most of the ancient Middle East (not the tiny African country it is today with a predominant negroe population). The Israelites would not have tolerated her father being a priest in their land if he was a non-Israelite.

Anonymous said...

""Does God love Baal worshippers? I don't think so."

Actually he does. He loves everyone, including people who don't love him."

Why don't you go ahead and prove it with actual Scripture then?

Oh, and don't forget Malachi 1:2-3 and Romans 9:13. Or the book of Obadiah where God is going to destroy all of Edom. How's that for love? Maybe you missed this one where people who don't love Him... "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before Me" Luke 19:27.

Anonymous said...

"Hey man dont drink the Kool-Aid when instructed."

That would be the Jim Jones cult where race mixing reigned supreme. Interracial living = interracial death. Historical Fact: every great White civilization that has mongrelized has collapsed in ruination.

Anonymous said...

"Hate Bill" Favoritism

If "hate bill"-obsessed Congress can't protect Christians from "gays" as much as it wants to protect "gays" from Christians, will Congress be surprised if it can't protect itself from most everyone? If "hate bills" are forced on captive Americans, they'll still find ways to sneakily continue to "plant" Biblical messages everywhere. By doing so they'll hasten God's judgment on their oppressors as revealed in Proverbs 19:1. (See related web items including "David Letterman's Hate, Etc.," "Separation of Raunch and State," "Michael the Narc-Angel," and "Bible Verses Obama Avoids.") Since Congress can't seem to legislate "morality," it's making up for it by legislating "immorality"!