Saturday, December 22, 2007

Continental Navy Organized

The Continental Navy was organized on this day, December 22 in 1775

The main goal of the navy was to intercept shipments of British war materiƩl and generally disrupt British maritime commercial operations. Because of the lack of funding, manpower and resources, the initial fleet consisted of converted merchantmen, with exclusively-designed warships being built later in the conflict. Of the vessels that successfully made it to sea, their success was rare and the effort contributed little to the overall outcome of the rebellion. The fleet did serve to highlight a few examples of Continental resolve, notably launching Captain John Paul Jones into the limelight.

Jones (pictured) is considered the father of the American Navy.

The early Continental Navy provided needed experience for a generation of officers who would later go on to command future conflicts which involved the early American navy.
With the war over and the Federal government in high demand of all available capital, the final vessel of the Continental Navy was auctioned off in 1785 to a private bidder, thus ending the duration of the Continental Navy.

Sunday Morning Church

Our Sunday morning church service can be heard at Stormfront radio on Sunday morning at 12 PM Eastern time. To listen go to On the main page you will see a red box with the words LISTEN HERE. Just click on the red box and it will take you to Stormfront Radio. If you miss our live broadcast you can still catch it on the archives.


We are putting renewal notices in the mail next week. Those of you who are associates of the The Knights Party need to look at your associates card (passport) and check the expiration date. If the expiration date is between July and December of 2007 then you need to get your annual dues in ASAP. We would appreciate this very much. But if you are not sure, wait to see if you get the renewal notice in the mail. Watch for it.


We have a new issue of the Crusader going to the printer on Monday. It will probably be about the 3 rd week of January when you get it in your mail box.

I normally do not write on my blog on Sunday Morning or Monday morning. So I won’t be posting again until Tuesday morning which is Christmas day. I am not sure it I will have anything on Christmas day or not. Check it out just in case. Otherwise it will be Wednesday morning.

I appreciate all the efforts which so many of you are making on behalf of our race, faith and homeland.

If I don't get back to my blog until Wednesday, I want you to know that I wish you all to have a nice Christmas. The constant attack against Christmas continues, but it isn't so much an attack againt Christmas but an attack against Jesus Christ and our faith.

God bless you all!

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