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I am going to stop posting comments. The reason is simple. If you like what you read, great! If not than you can move on to another blog. If you want more information about what I teach then visit my website at http://www.ChristianRevivalCenter.net
What kinda' comfort is that , uh?
HAHAHAHAHA! all U n the other skins are even more stoopid than the "socialists" (cheapest shadow of the communism, in fact only people who don't wanna work n want EVERYTHING given by Goverment) we have in Argentina.
The problem here is similar: People from Bolivia movin in 'cos some of us hire them for working instead an argentine 'cos the first ones are "cheaper" and also cos most of our people was stupidized by General Perón in the past and, for building a wall the want to be paid as much as an computers engineer or a marine... if u wanted to raise yer children, work as elementary teachers, collect the trash and drive taxi, u wont have this "problems". but remeber that yer glorious "America" was product of invaders, British invaders in the past who stole the land from its inhabitants, looking for work, ceiling, and food... don't u think it's the same ol' situation? aliens that came to destroy the (christianic now, indian in the past) culture?
c'mon men! how many of yer people jumped to the sea when barack won?
he's not the messiah, of course. he's not the antichrist neither (goddam evangelists)
look, don't mess with the "non-white" people, we are MUCH MORE than U in this planet (even if u don't count Asian people, a great culture)
never learn anything? why Nazi germans were smashed by russians? better weapons? ha! one shot from german weapon; 1000 shots from russian weapons, got it?
The greenhouse fx, and earth weather problems... who will survive to the heat and the lack of water? EVOLUTION man!
Who lives longer in the desert?
Black Power? no... man, it doesn't matter, it's as stoopid as skinheads, oops! I hurt someone? but i didn't even said that they are a group of fags blamming other ones bout their own incompetence...
Bueno me las pico antes de q persigan y maten a este negro inferior... jejeejeje!!!
sii seguro soy 10 cm inferior xq la tengo 10cm mas larga manga de putos pito corto!
creo q la envidia hacia los negros viene x ahi no? despues de todo una de las mentiras mas grndes es "el tamaño no cuenta".
You know Jesus was not white, right?
I mean, considering that period in history, the people who lived there that time and other well studied facts...drop it, man.
It's getting ridiculous already.
You'll just end up buried and turning into dust, like everyone else will.
so... i was wondering sth about ur comments in your webpage and on your TV show.... so you say barack obama is "scientificly " a MULATO... btw i never heard a scientist calling anyone a mulato... maybe at ur church...anywyas my problem is this... if you say... its ok that black ppl care about their own interest by voting for one of them but at the same time you recongnize he s a "mulato" being half black half white, then, why do the black ppl are taking care on their interest and white not when he s alf white half black???
i have that question basing myself on your own arguments... i will pretend i dont hate you sir, and that you r not one of the most disgusting persons i ever heard public media... thank you
look, don't mess with the "non-white" people, we are MUCH MORE than U in this planet
You are just proving what Thomas Robb is saying about cultural race-war by saying "don't mess with non-whites". That sounds like a threat.
Name-calling... very childish.
The darker you are the worse off you are. This is true. Look at Africa. Where there are very dark coloreds such at Ethiopia and others there is starvation and poverty. The Muslim nations of the middle east are all desert wastelands. Europe is the land of milk and honey so is America. Look at Mexico all these people want to come here and live. Why because they cannot make a country like the white man has made. With whites the world suffers. This is just fact!!
If you think Pastor Robb is playing the race card then tell your local Obama supporting, Black American that you supported McCain. You will be called a racist. I am a racist because I did not support Obama? That is stupid. This whole campaign was nothing but a race campaign to get the first Black president in office. Well congrats folks we also got the first card carrying Communist in office too.
You White Americans are now slaves of a nigga!!!! hahahahaha
The darker you are the worse off you are. This is true. Look at Africa. Where there are very dark coloreds such at Ethiopia and others there is starvation and poverty. The Muslim nations of the middle east are all desert wastelands. Europe is the land of milk and honey so is America.
The fact that non-white countries are starving or desert wastelands is not the fault of white people, and certainly not the fault of modern white people who had nothing to do with slavery, imperialism... etc. In fact this concentration on the evils of the white people is deeply racist in nature.
People are dying in wars in the Third World? That is sad. But it is not my fault. Nor is it the fault of ordinary working-class whites, but if anti-white racists had their way, all white people would be "punished".
With whites the world suffers.
About 70 years ago a guy called Hitler was saying a similar thing about Jews.
- CM from Ireland
We have always been slaves of a nigga as you say. The white man works while you sit on welfare you moron,
Whites have been slaves of blacks. It is called the welfare system.
"You are just proving what Thomas Robb is saying about cultural race-war by saying "don't mess with non-whites". That sounds like a threat.
Name-calling... very childish"
A threat? OOOOO, race war is coming!! take yer loved ones to a shelter. Non-white people is coming!
Run to shelter, run and you'll be safe! 'cos only christianic people can get in only if u believe in god, jesus and if u bought your piece of heaven by payng the rent to the head of your church.
Isn't it more childish than PASTOR=CHORRO?
Manga de muertos!!! Vayan a hacerse empomar por un judio, ahora!! jajajaj!
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