Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cornerstone of U.S. Capitol is put in place

On this date in 1793, President George Washington layed the cornerstone for the U. S. Capitol. However, not a single person witnessing this event would live to see its completion. The capitol took years to complete as it went through many redesigns and modifications with numerous architects involved.

The Senate wing was completed in 1800, while the House wing was completed in 1811. However, the House of Representatives moved into the House wing in 1807. Though the building was incomplete, the Capitol held its first session of United States Congress on November 17, 1800. The legislature was moved to Washington premanently during the presidential term of John Adams.

At the outbreak of the War of Northern Aggression, construction on the capitol was halted, however at the urging of President Abraham Lincoln construction resumed in 1862.
Because of redesign the location of the original cornerstone set by President Washington is in doubt.

Its was busy yesterday as the phone "rang off the hook." Of course we also get our share of stupid phone calls from the kind of people who would most-likely boast with pride if they were told that they had an IQ of 100. "Alright 100% man - can’t do better than that."

I spoke with Emily Sinovick with FOX 23 News from Tulsa, Oklahoma yesterday afternoon. She was interested in our position with the illegal alien problem. She plans on doing an on camera interview next Wednesday.

By the end of the week I will be mailing out an issue of the Victory Report - separate from The Crusader. We do have an issue of The Crusader going to the printer, but I want to get this Victory Report in the mail right away. The issue of The Crusader going to the printer will not be a tabloid issue as there have been some difficulty changing over to the tabloid. These problems are not insurmountable - but it will cause a delay changing to the tabloid format. I will give a little more explanation in the Victory Report.

I hope you are making plans to attend the White Christian Heritage Festival this October 20th.

God bless you all!

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