Saturday, January 26, 2008

Church at 12 noon

I want to remind you to listen to our Sunday morning church service on internet radio. Go on Sunday morning at 12 PM eastern time and listen to 4th part of our series, Did America Really Win the Cold War?
When the main page for Stormfront comes up on your computer, click the red box that says, LISTEN HERE!
This is a Christian church service proclaiming the Good News of White Nationalist Revival as taught by Jesus Christ. If you did not know that Jesus Christ was a White Nationalist then it is because you have become a victim of the leaven (doctrine) of the Pharisees.
Ok! I know you Judeo-Christians are going to think I am teaching heresy. That's Ok. I know others who thought the same thing until they were willing to humble themselves before the cross of Christ as He unfolded the Gospel to them.
OK! I know you're not convinced. That is why you need to listen to our church service coming from the Christian Revival Center and you will begin to understand.
I gotta go!

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